Tuesday, 15 September 2015

We have gone to the Dogs

Mask Parade 2015

This week we have been getting into creating our Truffula Trees for the Mask parade which Nayland Primary will be marching in. The parade is held on Friday 16 October (the first week back of term 4). Below are some images of the students creating. Mrs Gulbransen even popped in to add some artistic flair.


On Tuesday afternoon room 14 was fortunate to have the paw prints team spend an hour and a half with our class. They spent the time introducing the students to 5 dogs. The students were taught about behaviour around dogs and dog grooming. It was a fantastic opportunity for the students to be up close with dogs and to build an understanding of dog behaviour. 

Suter Gallery Trip

Please get the permission slips and money back in for the Suter Gallery Trip. We must have permission slips in by the end of the week. Children who bring their library cards will be able to get books out from the Elma Turner Library in town. Books from the town library can be returned to the Stoke Library.

Calendar Art

Don't miss out not he opportunity to purchase your child's Art in calendar/diary form with our calendar art on sale now. Orders need to be in by the end of this week.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Science Fair and Calendar Art

As the term starts to wind up we have a number of exciting things happening.

Science Fair:

This will be held on Tuesday 8 September in the Multi Purpose space between 5pm and 7pm. Our class is presenting on balloon experiments between 5-15 and 5-30. there will be the opportunity to see work being done throughout the school as we celebrate science. if you wish to come along do so between 5-5-30 to catch some of what we have been doing in room 14.

Calendar Art:

On Monday the students will be coming home with an order form for calendar art. The art the students have created can be viewed in the classroom. Below are a couple of examples of their work. Each creation is made up of a collage of your child's own art as they have experimented with different techniques throughout the term. We have then chopped that art up for them to collage the art piece now created.

Class Trip:

In the last week of term we will be heading by bus into the Suter Art Gallery in town and the Nelson Public Library. The trip is an opportunity for the students to experience further art teaching and to visit the library where they can (if they bring a library card) get books out. Library cards for the Stoke library are valid at the town library. The cost of the trip is $4-00 and a permission slip will be coming home with the students on Monday.


For the past few weeks we have been working on the students skills at making 10 and then 20. We are now moving to doubling and halving numbers from 1-20. Work at home could include getting your child to know their doubles and halves e.g. What is double 3? What is half 16 ... Students who are able to quickly recall these basic facts will find it easier as we use these strategies to solve more complicated maths equations.