Monday, 30 March 2015


Over the past few days we have been writing about different aspects of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory story.  On Monday the students wrote from the perspective of one of the Oompa loompas and had to write what was happening, who it was happening to, what they felt about it and why they felt that way.
Here are a few of the pieces of writing;

Augustus Gloop went down the chocolate river. I saw him go down the pipe. He got stuck in the pipe then I sang a song then he got unstuck. This how how Augustus fell in the river, he was sucking too much.  I feel bad because I don't like people falling in the chocolate river.

Joshua Lovell

Hello my name is Oompa Loompa. I saw Veruca Salt. She went down the rubbish shoot because she wanted a squirrel.  I feel happy because she kept saying to Mr Salt I want, I want.

Amelia Allen

Augustus Gloop fell in the chocolate river because he was drinking chocolate.  I feel funny because he is in the pipe.

Mitchell Cooper

Hello I am an Oompa Loompa. When we saw Augustus Gloop get sucked up into the chocolate pipe we sang a song about him and we felt angry because when the people eat it they will get sick and then we will need to shut down.

Haylen Oxnam

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Charlie and the Chocolate factory

Today students each chose one of the children from the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory book. Using our dress-up box they chose an item to help represent that character.  They presented to the class their character, where in the story they are, how they are feeling and why.  The students did really well taking on the different characters and then wrote a story from their characters perspective. Here are some photos from the day

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Term 1

Term 1 is quickly coming to an end.  We are continuing our focus on the students Literacy.  Please keep reading each night with your son or daughter. The students should be bringing home 3-4 readers a week.  If on a particular night they do not have a new book re-read one of the books in their reading cover.
Spelling is being tested each week.  Please keep up the good work in learning the spelling words at home. A number of our students have moved up a spelling level in the last week which is very encouraging for them. This week we will be testing the sight words.  Some students have moved beyond the sight word levels however for those still working through them we want to keep encouraging this as it assists their reading greatly.

Today in class one of the reading groups performed a RAP from their reading book to the rest of the class.  It was great to hear the encouragement given by the other students in the class to the reading proficiency of this group.


Over the past two weeks we have been looking at Logos helping the students to understand logos are a visual representation of a group.  Some logos such as the Nayland School logo express the aims of a group or organisation. Do you know which aim each of the 4 panels in the Nayland school Logo stand for?

If not why not ask your son or daughter to see if they can remember. To assist the aims of Nayland are

  • Connected Community
  • Achieving Brilliance
  • Kia Kaha - Stand Tall
  • Confident learners

Awa Syndicate Picnic

The AWA syndicate picnic was a great opportunity for parents and students to enjoy the great facilities we have here at Nayland. With the weather turning it on many took the opportunity to swim in the school pool.  Here are a few photos from the night.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Oral Language

We have started this week our class oral language programme. Today Greta brought along her favourite book and shared with us the reasons why she liked it so much.  As a special treat she read us one of the stories.

As presenters we are learning to speak with a good clear voice and have good eye contact with the audience.  As listeners we are learning to show respect by listening with our ears and our eyes and ask questions that have not already been answered in the presentation.

Well done to our first presenters today.  We are looking forward to what others have to share over the coming weeks.  Thank you to parents for helping your son/daughter get ready for their presentations (see parents information tab for more details).


Today we had our dinosaur show.  Although a little less than we had anticipated the students seemed to enjoy the interactions.  Below are some photo's of the show and a couple of pieces of published writing from our class.  Our focus is on using descriptive language.

Lachlan's Story
Today we saw a Dinosaur and it was a carnivore. Carnivores eat meat. We was pretty excited. I didn't get scared and it was fun and I liked it, a lot of people did. We had fun with the dinosaur.

Max's Story
Today I saw a carnivore and it was colourful. It had a long scaly tail.

Hayden's Story
Today we saw baby T the dinosaur. He has sharp teeth and sharp claws and I was scared.

Takoda's Story
Today we saw a carnivore. I was scared, only a little scared. It was fun, my brother likes dinosaurs. Baby T is scary but not too scary. I like baby T. He is not real but I think he is pretty cool. I am cool but Baby T is cooler than me. The end.