Saturday, 28 February 2015


This week we have a travelling show with Dinosaurs visiting the school.  The school has met the cost of the show so all students will be able to attend free of charge. Our writing focus for the week is going to be on using descriptive language.  Encourage students at home to share with you what they have seen and to use their descriptive language to tell you about it.

Oral Language: Our oral language programme for the rest of the term starts this week.  The students each have a day for their oral language (see parent information tab on blog).  Please encourage your son/daughter to come prepared with one of the topic items. A good one to start with might be the who is in my family.

Friday, 27 February 2015

Summer Continued...

After a week of hard work in the classroom, the students earned an afternoon of play in the pool.  Here are photos showing their enjoyment.

Monday, 23 February 2015


We continue to swim each day.  Our focus has been on strong kicking legs and being able to maintain a floating position on front and back. Parents are welcome to join us swimming which takes place in the afternoon each day. Great progress has been made by those students who are not so familiar with swimming and water.  All are now able to put their heads under water and they grow in confidence each day. We are fortunate as a school to have Jane Gass return in a voluntary capacity with other helpers to work one on one with students in the pool.

Minstral Show

On Monday, Mark De Lacy came to the school with his show promoting sustainable and safe fishing.  The show featured a number of his songs with entertaining stories and teaching for the children around safety on the water in boats and ensuring fish taken are within size and bag limits.  All the class went and had a great time.  At the end of the show Mark presented the school with a fishing rod and reel for the student who is able to write the best story incorporating the messages from the show. This week we will as a class be taking on the writing challenge.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Welcome to Room 14 and 2015

We are well under way with our learning in Room 14 for 2015.  The class has had a very settled start to the year and students are already well into their learning with reading, writing, phonics, maths and spelling programmes under way.

Each day this term we are starting the day with a warm up run.  We have set ourselves a target of running 10 laps of our circuit by the end of the term.  Each week we are increasing our distance by one lap so as to build up stamina. While initially a little reluctant the students are seeing the connection between healthy bodies and healthy minds ready to learn.

While the weather is still hot we will be swimming everyday.  Please make sure your child has their togs and towel unless there is a good reason for them not to swim on a particular day.

Please make sure you are reading each night with your child.  They should have a reading book most days.  There is weekly spelling and starting in term 2 there will be a maths homework notebook as well as the spelling and reading. Reading books and library books need to be sent to school inside covers. The reading covers should be with the students each day.